Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mind Fuck

Mind fuck.  It means:
1.  Having intellectual conversations about anything and everything such as silly ideas, opinions, and just plain old past life experiences with someone really interesting.  Like having sex intercourse but instead using your minds to stimulate eachother.  Usually done face-to-face over drinks ie. scotch, beer, and coffee.

2.  After series of mind fucking, you end up actually fucking.  After the actual fucking, you either continue seeing the fucker and be happy with eachother; or he drones himself with work and considers work more important than you.  You end up waiting for him and going mental thinking "what the fuck is up?"

3.  You end up leaving small messages, with much prodding from your friends, and much swallowing of one's pride.  The messages are not reciprocated because either he totally missed the message (pshyeah right!) or just merely ignore the message because it is just way too stupid or he just doesn't care.

4.  You decide that mind fuck is just waaaay fucking overrated and you resign and say, "Bah. I am tired."  

5.  You decide to just give up but deep inside you secretly hope that he is just busy that's why he is not calling you.

6.  You drown yourself with work and friends and eventually forget the previous mind fuck you had.

7.  You go out and meet a new mind fucker.

8.  You go back to the cycle.

I am not sure if I actually coined the term but yeah, that's what i call, mind fuck.

1 comment:

astro_prick said...

ohhh chinkles... *hugs*

heheheh.. mind fuck :D